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Cultivating a collaborative community at Indian Hill

Do you want to connect with colleagues, share your thoughts on a lesson?  Do you have a plan in your room that works, maybe other teachers could implement? Or,  would you like to explore new ways of using a workshop model in math or teach a small group reading lesson? (especially with so many of us piloting different programs…) 

Opening your classroom to help another teacher can be a very effective learning experience for everyone!  

You could also lead a teacher discussion similar to a PTO meeting if you would like. Example could be to demonstrate how to use Google Sheets/ organize data/ or use pre-assessments to drive instruction. 

We all know, the fundamental reward of teaching hasn’t changed and we are still motivated by the difference we make in our students' lives.   As professionals we see value in collaborating for a common purpose and seek each other out for support - whether at lunch, in the copy room, a quick conversation in the hallway, or a funny inspiring group text.   Perhaps this is what offers the greatest hope for our profession - the unity we have as teachers and the common goal we share - teaching our students.

As we all have felt at one time or another, teaching by its nature can be a very solitary profession.  If we can offer time helping each other in a very informal way,  could this be the spark for new energy, inspiration and professional relationships to emerge? 
Hosting Hornets is a new program at Indian Hill Elementary School. The intention of Hosting Hornets is to cultivate strong professional relationships and join forces with each other as they implement new curriculum and ideas in their classrooms.